Our Scope

Our Scope

We deliver leaders

Roberts & Ryan specializes in nationwide retained searches for:

  • Director level and above roles for Fortune 500 companies
  • VP and C-Level roles for mid-market organizations that are public, private or family-owned
  • Roles across all functional areas

We don’t draw the line at the C-Suite. We feel that helping clients find their next tier of leaders is as critical as filling their most senior roles.

Admittedly, this kind of search is among the most challenging; the best candidates typically are being groomed for leadership positions by their current employers and are not job seeking. That’s why we love and excel in this niche: we know that a great database is not enough. It requires the tenacity to scour the target market and pursue every avenue to produce the best candidates. It’s what we do best.

We are flexible

We have been in the search business a long time. We’ve developed expertise across a wide range of industries, channels and disciplines, leading clients to view us as the go-to solution for all their leadership searches. We can grow and scale with a company’s expanding and evolving needs.

More about our Practice Areas

Have an unusual or difficult search? Just ask us. Chances are, we’ve done something similar, and we’d love to help.

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